Friday, February 07

A Message To Zimbabweans In South Africa

To my fellow countrymen, 

This communique is specifically to  you, Zimbabwean men and  women; who are currently in harm's way in South Africa because of the xenophobia attacks. 

Firstly, I would like to remind you that for the most part, the majority of South Africans are a loving, accommodating people. They have embraced you as their own. Selflessly,  they are on your side; putting their precious lives in harm's way, fighting this barbarism: xenophobia.  You must always be thankful for their unquestionable support during this dark hour.Be that as it may, there are a few bad apples; whose actions are diluting the purity of many good South Africans.

I know you my people.I can proudly say you are a unique people. Intellectually,  you are mightier,  very industrious,  naturally peaceful,  very resilient and respectful.  Everywhere you go , you always champion in every fraternity. I know you are not a violent people and I know you are very resilient. More importantly; you welcomed and helped a lot of foreigners when Zimbabwe used to be a bread basket of Africa.  Helping others is what you do for a living. 


Be that as it may,  I say to you with love, use your sound judgement. It's not worth losing your precious lives. Remain peaceful and if it means going back to Zimbabwe; do it with honour.  I understand your struggles.

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