Saturday, July 27

Haa Madzibaba Ishmael Akutaura Zvese Zvake Achifumura Vamwe Vake Mauraire Akaita Professor Muwati Oti He Challenged Him

Professor Muwati Challenged Madzibaba Ishmael's Orders, And Was Killed For That"The late Professor Itai Muwati’s brother alleges that his sibling was killed at Madzibaba Ishmael Chokurongerwa’s shrine due to disagreements over certain directives.


Madzibaba Ishmael allegedly instructed all men to forsake their non-virgin wives upon marriage, pledging to provide them with virgins as replacements — an edict that Professor Muwati apparently opposed.


Admire was speaking on Tilder’s show on StarFM on Tuesday, where he alleged that his brother was killed. 








congregants found plots in Nyabira.

They invited everyone that they used to worship with to go and stay in Nyabira and they referred to it as their land of milk and honey (Canaan).

They were told to sell their phones, beds and televisions, his followers were doing anything and everything he said to the extent that he was referred to as god.






Chokurongerwa and seven of his followers were arrested recently and appeared before Norton magistrate Christine Nyandoro. The court denied them bail, and they were remanded in custody until April 4 for routine proceedings.

The charges against them stem from alleged violations of the Burial and Cremation Act and the Children’s Act.

The co-accused are members of the Johane Masowe-aligned Gore Jena Penyera Nyika. Their names include Shingirai Ngawafune (42), Takavengwa Gwenzi (55), Zebedia Sigudu (49), Devlodge Katsande (47), Wonder Kabaya (41), and Siribinio Chikurunhe (53). All were represented by lawyer Purity Chikanganise during the court proceedings.








The State alleges that Chokurongerwa and his associates conducted funeral services for Hazel Chikunhire and Winlet Kabaya without obtaining proper burial orders for the deceased. This violation raises serious legal concerns, as proper documentation is essential for respectful and lawful burials.

Furthermore, the sect leaders, who acted as guardians for the children residing at the church’s compound in Nyabira, are accused of neglecting, abandoning, and exposing the children to conditions likely to cause unnecessary suffering. The welfare of these vulnerable children is at the heart of the charges brought against the accused.






In a related incident, police raided the farm where the sect operated and rescued 251 children. Shockingly, 246 of these children were found to have no birth certificates, highlighting potential issues related to their legal identity and rights.

Additionally, during the investigation, authorities discovered 16 graves near Madzibaba Ishmael’s shrine. These graves were determined to belong to nine adults and seven children. The circumstances surrounding these burials remain a subject of scrutiny.

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