Wednesday, April 24

Apostle Chiwenga Blasts Gaffa Passion Java He Is A Clown & Wont Live Long

Apostle Chiwenga is blasting Prophet Passion Java calling him a clown and a loud mouth and is nothing but a comedian. Chiwenga said Passion Java would not last long on this earth if he did not change his behavior and not play with God. Passion Java is a comedian said Chiwenga. Watch the video below as Chiwenga blasts Passion Java

Prophet Passion Java Responds To Apostle Chiwenga Siyana Neni Wakachekeresa Mukadzi

The Gaffa Passion is finally responding to Apostle Chiwenga who has been saying things about him for the last year. Chiwenga has blasted the flamboyant Java for being a fake prophet and as someone who only cares about showing off and not God. Passion Java has finally dicided to respond after Chiwenga did a service which was directed at Passion Java & his fancy dressing.

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