Sunday, May 05

Madamboss Sister Dr Fungai Mtisi Vopopotera ZanuPF Zvima New Currency Zvenhu Zviri Useless Mari Inoonekwa NeValue Kwete Zvima Design Zvekumama ZveJava Print

Madam Boss’ sister Fungai Mtisi has commented on the new structured currency set to be introduced on Friday. Taking to Facebook, Mtisi said the new currency is useless if it doesnt add or retain value amid the high inflation crisis the country is facing.




It’s not about the design , it’s about the value. Nomatter how outstanding the design maybe, if it doesn’t add or retain the value ,then it’s useless. When some countries are digitalising the banking system, banking made easier and faster, partnerships and collaborations, our kantri is busy designing the notes.

Policies, regulations and some parts of the constitution must be amended for efficient and effective management of the resources in the country. 

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