Friday, February 07

Imi Zimbabwe Inzara Here Varume 3 Ava Vauraiwa Na N"anga Medio Kashiri Petros Mwale and Antony Murombo Nyaya Yakaoma Iyiii

So far i have covered 3 cases vanhu vakauraiwa nen’anga

If you consult sangomas be careful and never trust anyone anokuendesa kusangoMedio Kashiri, Petros Mwale naAntony Murombo Ndawana vakauraiwa ne n’anga two Isaac Biningu na Wilbert Vheremu kuBata farm Bindura vaenda kumoney ritual.Vakapihwa poison vakadzipwa vakafa vakatorerwa mari yavanga vauya nayo yetokolosh.







Watch in commentsthree individuals, Medio Kashiri, Petros Mwale, and Antony Murombo Ndawana, met their untimely demise at Bata Farm in Bindura. The unfortunate trio had sought the services of two traditional healers, Isaac Biningu and Wilbert Vheremu, in hopes of performing money-making rituals. However, their quest for wealth led them to their deathsSuspected ritual murder in Mbalabala


THE people of Mbalabala are living in fear after a body of a 40-year-old man was found in a state of decomposition with missing parts.


Police have since arrested a commercial sex worker and another man in connection with the gruesome act.


In what has sent chills down the spine of villagers of Mbalalabala, the 40-year-old man, identified as Freeman Moyo was brutally murdered and his body was mutilated for suspected ritual purposes.







Word on the street alleges that the deceased asked for the services of a commercial sex worker at Mbalabala Business Centre, who then took the client to her lodgings in the village. 


Zbcnewswe are no longer safe and we don't know who to trust

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