Friday, February 07

News News

January 28, 2025

Walter Nyakunu Manicaland Dioces Anglican Church Pastor Moving Around Scam..ming church Members Money

Walter Nyakunu Manicaland Dioces Anglican Church Pastor Moving Around Scamming church members poor Widows Old People write ArticleThe Allegations Against Walter Nyakunu: A Breach of Trust The allegations against Walter Nyakunu, a pastor within the Manicaland Dioces Anglican Church, are deeply concerning. Accused of exploiting vulnerable members of his congregation, particularly widows and the elderly, these claims represent a serious breach of trust.         If true, Nyakunu's actions would not only be a betrayal of his parishioners' faith but also a violation of the sacred duty of pastoral care. The church is meant to be a sanctuary, a place of solace and support, especially for those in need. For a pastor to exploit this trust for personal ga

January 27, 2025

Mukomana Atisiya RIP

R.I.P REST IN PEACE ,BYDMAN AKA SHINSO....VARWADZISA😢😭😭💔           Words may fade away ,but the memories u left will forever be remembered,go well my guy,

January 27, 2025

Takudzwa Mombeshora 20 Year Old Street Kid Pa Copacabana Ouraya Munhu

A STREET kid, popularly known as ‘Most Wanted’ at the Copacabana bus terminus in Harare, is facing murder charges after he and his gang attacked and murdered a 57-year-old man in the CBD. His real name is Takudzwa Mombeshora, 20. He turned violent, when he was being arrested, and bit off one of the detective’s fingers. He was not asked to plead when he         appeared before Harare magistrate Apollonia Marutya. He was remanded in custody as he is facing a third schedule offense. The court heard that on January 15, the late Forbes Jile of Dzivaresekwa left the Big Apple Sports Bar to look for transport to his home. It is alleged that as he was walking along Nelson Mandela Street in Harare’s CBD, he was confronted by  

January 27, 2025

Southsea Park Harare Ware House Yembavha Yabatwa

Kana pane akabirwa zvinhu muroad between Boka and Masteps pane vakomana vanovhura maboot vabatwa and zvinhu hobho zvawanikwa. Go kwaBoka papolice munotarisa zvinhu zven         Recovered stolen property at ZRP SOUTHLEA PARK. Tell your relatives who fell victim at Masteps Hopley to come and identify

January 26, 2025

Ma Ro..bbers Anga Anetsa Abatwa Ne ZRP Titende

ZRP yekuMasvingo yakasunga matsotsi anga achiita maRobberies in different neighbourhoods of Masvingo. Police inoti on the  January 2025,         kwakaitika marobberies anosvika 15 in one night. Matsotsi aya akabatwa ane maWeapons avaishandisa for armed robberies plus all the stolen items including a Holy Bible.    

January 26, 2025

Zanu-PF Mashefu Oita Tsaona Chivhu Road Pakaipa

Zanu PF member anonzi Tatenda Dhege narrowly escaped death last week in a harrowing car accident. Dhege reportedly failed to apply the brakes at         the junction of the Murambinda-Chivhu Highway and Buhera Office Road, causing his vehicle to veer off the road and into a bush. He was driving Toyota Hilux Revo yeZanu PF.    

January 26, 2025

Mukomana ojumper From Tall Building Kuda Kuzviuraya Achibva Awira Pamusoro Pe Kombi

streets A person attempted to commit suicide by jumping from a tall building         but miraculously survived after landing on a Kombi (minibus) roof.

January 26, 2025

Tatelicious Akanda Video Fresh Kuita Kuidya Easter Achikokotwa Murungu Anga Aneta

Queen makanyanya manje umm tabvako munotora nguva yenyu but umm muface kuzonetaQueen..baTanya aiwa Matemai varibhoo tavaona homwe hombe yenyika         Dikisoni anga aneta asade kumira bt wamudya hako           Handei ku TELEGRAM ndaku isa NEW VIDEO . SORRY NDANONOKA BECAUSE MAI TANYA CALLED ME WITH AN URGENT MATTER !

January 25, 2025

Prison Break Mu Chikurubhi Inmates Otiza ZRP Need Help Kubata Mbavha Idzi

Wanted!!! One of the two suspects who escaped from police custody while at Chitungwiza Magistrates' Court on Thursday is 30-year-old Tendai Mawire, of 64 Dengu Zengeza1. He is facing charges of theft.         #HMetroPrison BreakTsvagi mega mbavha dzenyu,,handiti ndozvamakapindira basa here vakomana vema bhasikoro..Kkkkk haana kuescaper uyu mamuvhurira akaenda. Vanhu vakatrenwa mungatizwa nemunhu akadai kupi ikoko

January 25, 2025

Mwana ane 11 years awanikwa akazvisungirira apo ange asara nevamwe vana mai vaenda kuchipatara

Mwana ane 11 years awanikwa akazvisungirira apo ange asara nevamwe vana mai vaenda kuchipatara             Parikuda investigation yakasimba apa look at kamuti kacho munhu haizi hukuzve plus kufa sandi easy unotombopfaura pfaura bhutsu chaidzo angadai asina chero one yakawira kure           uko.Akauraiwa mwana uyo akazonosungirirwaShumba dzikatove Nani. Vanhu ndovakutotyisa zvisingaitiAkazosungirirwa apo atouraiwaAzviite Mwana kuzvisungirira aiwana kupiko ideal yekuti azvisunge pane munhu mukuru amusungirira

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